
Editions on CD:


• Corpus of Spanish Emblem Books

• The Golden Age of European Emblematics

• Emblems of Wither & Rollenhagen

•  Alciato, Emblemata. Critical Edition

• Emblems of the Society of Jesus

• Renaissance Books of Imprese

• Baroque Repertories of Imprese


• Hieroglyphics

• Animal Symbolism

• Mythographies


• Renaissance Numismatics

• Complete Works of Hubert Goltzius

proverbial wisdom

• Erasmus’ Adagia. Versions and Sources


• Covarrubias, Tesoro de la lengua española

complete works

• Baltasar Gracián

Treasures of Kalocsa

• Book of Psalms
MS 382, c. 1438


4. The Emblemata of Andrea Alciato. Critical Edition

Antonio Bernat Vistarini and Tamás Sajó
Presentation by Alison Adams

THE ORIGINAL BOOK by Andrea Alciato enjoyed more than 150 editions in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and established itself as one of the few works influential throughout Europe, in countries both of the Reformation and of the Counter-Reformation. It gave rise to an abundant series of annotations and commentaries in which each of the scholiasts put his erudition to the test.

With the inclusion of all important editions, from the editio princeps (Augsburg 1531) until the last important one, which appeared in the eighteenth century (Madrid 1749), we have here the history of this little jewel. With this CD we can see with great exactitude the life of each one of the emblems and each family of engravings, their recastings, additions and suppressions:

• all editions that add new emblems to the collection, or appear with a new ordering of the engravings;
• the first edition of each translation (three French, two German, two Italian and one Spanish);
• all editions with commentary: Aneau 1549, Stockhamer 1556, Sánchez de las Brozas 1573, Mignault 1571 and 1584, Diego López 1615 and 1655, Pignoria 1618, Capaccio 1620 and Thuilius 1621;
• our annotation with the comparison of textual variants, the determination of sources (linked always to other CDs by Studiolum) and the critical comparison with 30 other editions of the Emblematum liber
• finally, we complete the CD with Geoffrey Whitney’s work, Choice of Emblemes (1586) – for all intents and purposes the first edition of Alciato in English – and Henry Green’s monographical study (1872) on the life of Alciato, with his bibliography of 179 editions of the Emblemata.

In preparation.


Titles included:

Editions of the Emblemata:

• Augsburg: Steyner, 1531, the two printings of February and April
• Paris: Wechel, 1534 and 1542
• Paris: Wechel, 1536, Latin-French
• Paris: Wechel, 1542, Latin-German
• Venice: Aldus, 1546
• Lyon: De Tournes, 1547 y 1554-56, with the commentaries of S. Stockhamer
• Lyon: Roville-Bonhomme, 1548
• Lyon: Roville-Bonhomme, 1549, Spanish
• Lyon: Roville-Bonhomme, 1549, French, with the commentaries of B. Aneau
• Lyon: Roville-Bonhomme, 1549, Italian
• Lyon: Roville-Bonhomme, 1550
• Paris: Ruelle, 1562
• Antwerp: Plantin, 1565
• Frankfurt: Feyerabend 1567, Latin-German
• Antwerp: Plantin, 1571, with the commentaries of C. Mignault
• Lyon: Roville, 1573, with the commentaries of Sánchez de las Brozas
• Antwerp: Plantin, 1577 and 1591
• Antwerp: Plantin, 1584, French
• Antwerp: Plantin, 1589, with the augmented commentaries of Mignault
• Nájera: Mongastón, 1615, with the commentaries of Diego López (and the editio optima of Valencia: Villagrassa, 1655)
• Padua: Tozzi, 1618, with the commentaries of L. Pignoria
• Padua: Tozzi, 1621, with the “monstre commentaries” of Thuilius
• Padua: Tozzi, 1626, Latin-Italian
• Madrid: Mercedarian Order, 1749

Other titles:

• Alciato, Andrea, Epigrammata selecta, Milan 1522
• Epigrammata Graeca, edition with commentary, Geneva 1566 (Stephanus) and Frankfurt 1600 (Brodaeus): the epigrams paraphrased by Alciato
• Whitney, Geoffrey, A Choice of Emblemes, Leiden: Plantin 1586
• Capaccio, Giulio Cesare, Il principe ... tratto dagli Emblemi di Alciato, Venice: Barezzi 1620
• Green, Henry, Andrea Alciati, London 1872


last minute

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• 5.4: RSA: A Recapitulation

• 4.4: DVD edition of Covarrubias, Tesoro de la lengua española

• 18.3: Treasures of Kalocsa, Vol. 1: Psalterium MS 382



Discreet Reader

Sancho Panza and the Turtle

An Encounter with the Inquisition

Phoenix on the top of the palm tree

Canis reversus

His Master’s Voice

Virgil’s best verse

To eat turtle or not to eat it

blog of studiolum

•  Chinatown

•  Un viaje a la mente barroca

•  Unde Covarrubias Hungaricè didicit?


open library

• Bibliography of Hispanic Emblematics

• Horapollo, Hieroglyphica 1547

Related to this CD: Alciato, Emblemata 1531

• The Album Amicorum of Franciscus Pápai Páriz

• Ludovicus Carbo, De Mathiae regis rebus gestis (c. 1473-75)

• Epistolary of Pedro de Santacilia y Pax

medio maravedí

Texts and Studies of Medieval and Golden Age Spanish Literature