When I was a child, I lived in the firm belief that there was no God. Nevertheless, I have met Him. I loved the most to sit in  the garden, under the cherry tree. At first I thought I should do something: watch the clouds, or think about something. Then I stopped doing all that, for these times of mine were entirely taken up by staying, without any special thought or feeling, in the state of being loved — in the loving presence of God, experienced by so many others before me.

As an adult, I was passionately interested in how deep one can penetrate in the meeting with another person. I became a psychologist, and I did psychotherapy. I have learned and done everything offered by this world. Nevertheless, I was restless and unsatisfied.

In the meantime thirty years have passed, till I — well after my conversion — first read Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross. I could not stop reading their works. It filled me with enormous joy that God invited us to such a deep encounter beyond all our imagination. This joy has remained and deepened ever since.

These pages speak about this encounter. We would like to share with you our garden, a place of this meeting. The fountain invites you to draw from the Christian tradition that helps you to come to know, to understand and to practice in an authentic way the deepest form of this encounter, the Theresian way of mystic.

Finally the blog — thoughts on the way.




the garden


the fountain

works of Teresa and John
historical background
theological background
the Theresian way

the blog

about us

en español
in italiano

